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    The global demand for 3D printers has surged, and will exceed $22 billion by 2020
    03.18.2021 | CC Collaborator | News

    The real revolution of 3D printing manufacturing technology is that it can produce personalized customized products all over the world. In the future, it is not difficult to make a product. It is difficult for anyone to design it. This design becomes a personalized interactive one and becomes a combination of innovation and market. Move.

    Since the rapid development of 3D printing technology in 2013, domestic and foreign 3D printing companies have sprung up in the market. In the past two years, although the speed of development has slowed down, it still belongs to the trend of stabilization and improvement. From the perspective of global shipments in 2018, it still maintains a certain growth trend.


    In-depth Analysis of 3D Printing Industry Chain and Global Market Distribution

    Three-dimensional printing is mainly divided into desktop level and industrial level. Desktop level is the primary and initial stage of 3D printing technology. It can intuitively explain the technological principle of 3D printing technology. Industrial-grade 3D printers are mainly divided into rapid prototyping and direct product manufacturing. Desktop-level 3D printers are relatively inexpensive, with plastic as the main material. The price of industrial grade 3D printer is relatively high. Metal powder is the main material. The price of industrial grade metal printer is similar to that of large industrial equipment.


    According to the statistics of Prospective Industry Research Institute, the global market of 3D printers will exceed 22 billion US dollars in 2022, and China's market of 3D printers will exceed 6.19 billion US dollars. At present, consumer-grade 3D printers occupy 90% of the market share. The United States is the main competitive field of 3D printing industry, with more than 40% market share, followed by Japan, Germany and China, which ranks fourth, but China is the country with the largest number of entrepreneurs. Especially since the advocacy of STEAM education, both entrepreneurs, popular science public welfare activities and science and technology courses have emerged in different forms in the market. Now, as a new technology industry, 3D printing has naturally become the focus of attention. Therefore, China has huge market potential.

    Global market competition pattern, domestic 3D printing diversified application market is generally favored

    3D printing is a "high-dimensional" technology integration model, which is called "the thought of the last century, the technology of the last century, the market of this century" by the school-enterprise alliance of the Internet of Things in China. Since it rose in the United States, but is popular all over the world, the 3D printing industry is doomed to have a global market competition pattern. According to the statistics and growth forecast of China's cross-border e-commerce transactions from 2015 to 2019, the annual cross-border e-commerce transactions show an increasing trend, and the scale of cross-border e-commerce transactions in China is expected to exceed 10 trillion yuan in 2019. Cross-border e-commerce is undoubtedly a good news as an important sales channel for 3D printing manufacturers, but since the Sino-US trade war began, especially in 2019, the 3D printing market has been more or less affected. After all, even a small service provider will be affected in the global market structure, such as prices and customers. Household, etc. Things are multifaceted. Looking at the overall situation, the short-term impact lets us see earlier that domestic enterprises are facing the competition of global enterprises and must have a global vision and pattern. In the first half of 2019, Carbon, the leader of high-speed photo-curable 3D printing, has established a company in Shanghai Free Trade Zone, China.

    creality-3d-printer-03Speeding up Intelligent Upgrading and Personalized Customization of Traditional Manufacturing Industry by 3D Printing will become a new direction of industry development

    With the development of Internet of Things and cloud computing, energy and information drive economic development together. Distributed manufacturing will become the representative of emerging models, from distributed energy to cloud computing, from industrial robots to 3D printing. These are specific applications of distributed technology, and the recombination of economies of scale after distribution will enhance resources. Utilization ratio reduces cost. 3D printing manufacturing technology may have a thorough impact on the global manufacturing industry from all aspects, making factory production turn to social production, large-scale batch production turn to localization and personalized customization production. 3D printing technology is the best embodiment of individualization, and also the production mode that manufacturing industry can adopt. It does not produce products in a certain place and then transport them to the world. Instead, it can send design drawings instantly through the Internet and manufacture products in the place where the demand is located. It abandons the similar form of large-scale manufacturing in factories. Characteristic of sex, miniaturization and economy.


    Its real revolution lies in the fact that it can produce customized products with individualization all over the world. The design and production links are subdivided by different time and space, thus presenting socialization characteristics, and the connection between design and manufacturing process will be closer. In the future, it will not be difficult to make a product. It will be difficult for anyone to design it. This design will become a personalized interactive one. It will become a linkage between innovation and market. The market will design whatever it needs, or design new products will be accepted by the market soon. Not only will the production mode of large-scale monopoly change, but also the demand will change. Diversification, diversification of production and manufacturing, and precision manufacturing will penetrate into millions of households, anyone can enjoy precision manufacturing products, it goes beyond the traditional centralized production architecture.

    The application field of 3D printing is expanding continuously. Industry, medical treatment and education are still the mainstream.

    From the perspective of global investment distribution of 3D printing in 2018, investment in 3D printing technology services and investment in 3D printing materials has begun to grow. As mentioned above, as long as you have a printer and a better future of 3D printing technology, you will have the ability to turn your imagination into reality. Nowadays, 3D printing is booming from its appearance to recent years, which has broken the traditional thinking mode of manufacturing industry. Besides the application of creator education, 3D printing has made outstanding achievements in aerospace, automobile transportation and medical treatment.


    Especially in the medical field, from teeth and bones to the sensational 3D printing heart has shown the world that the manufacturing technology of additives has brought tremendous convenience and technological innovation to mankind. In terms of automobile transportation, 3D printing technology has been gradually applied by many well-known automobile companies, which not only reduces the cost of opening the model, but also greatly shortens the time of research and development, and verifies the problems that may arise in the process of research and development more quickly, so as to save time and cost. It is well known that in a highly competitive industry. The value of time will be magnified infinitely.

    Continuous self-innovation of 3D printing industry requires long-term layout in the market

    Despite the advantages of 3D printing, it is still impossible to avoid the disadvantages brought about by the rapid development - material problems, printing speed problems and professional staffing. Material is the primary problem that restricts the development of 3D printing market. Developing high-speed and broader printing materials is an important development direction for 3D printer manufacturers. At the same time, professional knowledge and personnel are also important equipment resources for the expanding market.


    Since the concept of industry 4.0 was officially introduced at the Hanover Industrial Expo in 2013, and with the support of governments, it is expected that the 3D printing industry will continue to grow in the future. In the process of rapid development, it is bound to be a process of speeding up shuffling. The natural law of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest will never be outdated, which means that the threshold of 3D printing industry will be higher and higher. Let's wait and see.

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