August is a good time to catch mosquitoes. Researchers in Britain and London will test a new 3-D printing trap. They tested a 3-D printing mosquito trap with carbon dioxide bait and tested its performance on the spot.
The innovative mosquito killer is manufactured with "minimum output" and is made of light material. Its design size is smaller than most of the mosquito killers, but its performance is the same. Thanks to less investment in battery areas, researchers were able to build this more portable device in the Rainham marshes (essex) in Essex, UK.
The panel shows: (a) the blueprint of the 3D print capturer consists of three parts; (b) the 3D print capturer in field operation; (c) the size of the 3D print capturer, the CDC light capturer and the BG Sentinel 2 capturer is compared.
The team was able to compare their new 3D printer device with other "gold standard" captors, as follows:
· The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses carbon dioxide as a bait trap, powered by batteries, to collect many different types of mosquitoes.
· Bg bait and carbon dioxide were used to trap Sentinel 2. Mosquitoes can be caught during the day and at night, especially Aedes and Culex.
"Together with other traps, these traps provide effective and rapid deployment of mosquito control capabilities. However, for some organizations and governments, capture and transport costs are not allowed for large-scale deployment, "the researchers said.
Other features of the new capturer include:
Weight 238G (553g and 977g lighter than CDC and BG Sentinel 2)
Cost $12.46, saving more than 90%.
The total installation cost of making ten 3D printing traps is $906.18, saving more than 60%.
The team reported that 1,154 mosquitoes were collected, including eight species and four genera, and that more mosquitoes were captured by 3D printer equipment than any other equipment. Although more traditional devices captured about 310 mosquitoes, the 3D Print Capture was responsible for collecting 532 mosquitoes.
In the whole sampling method, the two dominant species were Cuilicella, the obald 1901 (866 samples, 75.0%) and Culex pipiens s.l. (238, 20.6%). The remaining six species had fewer than 10 samples in total, with the exception of 25 Anopheles claviger S. S. (Meigen 1804) samples. "No statistical significance was observed between the total number and species of sex stratification in mosquitoes," the researchers said.
Despite the obvious benefits of the new trap, the researchers point out that so far, it has been tested only in one location, and the number of conclusions provided in experimental research is limited. In addition, they use yeast mixtures to produce carbon dioxide, which can lead to mutation.
"In addition, the effectiveness of this trap in trapping invasive species of Aedes or Anopheles has not yet been tested, the latter being an important component of monitoring systems in many parts of the world. Despite recent discoveries, no invasive species have been established in the UK.
"Further research is under way in the UK and other areas to address these data gaps, but we envisage a collaborative approach to gather more data on trap performance to collect different species for optimization. This includes testing target mosquito species associated with different attractant mixtures or visual cues. The flexibility of 3D design makes this modification relatively easy.
Research sites and six sampling sites in Essex, UK. The box in the upper left corner shows the location of the research site in the UK, enlarging six sampling points. Data from the natural earth is used to capture national and county boundaries, and satellite imagery is from Google Maps.
Problems with traps include:
The design of the trap may have limitations due to several wear and tear of the aluminium strip in the electronic circuit area. Researchers are considering using more robust materials and may test integrated electronic circuits in capturers designed for the next 3D printer.
The quality of the capturer depends largely on the parameters and consumables of the 3D printer. Some people worry that 3D printers can't produce high quality products according to functional requirements. Further customization will help attract other species of mosquitoes.
The researchers concluded: "Because of the low cost of this method, we hope that both professional and amateur researchers can contribute to the optimization and testing of 3D printing traps in different environments around the world."
"Separation of mosquitoes and other smaller or larger insects through grid layers of different sizes can further improve the collection bag framework. This design will help to conduct a wide range of sampling of vector species combinations rather than simply targeting a group of species as is the most commonly used method. Using single or mixed chemicals that are attractive to multiple species groups is a challenging but achievable option.
Three types of traps for sampling point 1 (including carbon dioxide bait): (a) 3D printing trap; (b) CDC light trap; (c) BG Sentinel 2 trap. Each trap is connected to a yeast mixture carbon dioxide gas plant. The boxes represent the median and the first and third quartiles of the main female mosquito species collected from the three trapping types.
Unless you are a scientist or entomologist, you may not like insects very much. Mosquitoes are a particularly serious problem in some areas, not only because they bite you, but also because they can spread diseases. 3D printing has been linked to many virus-related innovations, including methods of capturing them, and to many diagnostic devices for 3D printers that test malaria and fight diseases in areas such as Zambia, as well as other projects, such as smartphone accessories for imaging and diagnosis.
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