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    How Wide the Application of 3D Printing Industry Will Be
    03.10.2021 | creality3dpro | News

    With the development of 3D printing industry, its application field is more and more extensive. Let's take a look at the following situation.

    The experience of Israeli material chemist Daniel shetman

    After being questioned, he won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering new materials of quasicrystals. "I think 3D printing can now become the most developed and leading technology capability in the world," Daniel said At present, 3D printers are only used for the lives of a few people. In the future, we can use this technology to print huge products and devices, such as bombs, houses, etc. In addition, 3D printing technology can also play a role in very sophisticated and sophisticated products, such as camera equipment and human organs.

    How Wide the Application of 3D Printing Industry Will Be-01

    The relationship between 3D printing industry and real estate industry

    In Mexico, a community already built with 3D printing technology will be built, and two houses have been printed. It is reported that the 3D printing house is cheaper and faster than the traditional building. A set of three bedrooms can be "printed" in 48 hours. The material used for the printing house is concrete mixture, which is more stable than the traditional concrete material. Although the residential area is not very large, about 46 square meters, it has five internal organs, including two rooms, one hall, one kitchen and one bathroom, which are mainly given to local low-income people.

    Hebei University spent a lot of money to build a 3D printing studio

    Academician sun Jianzhong, President of Hebei Institute of foreign languages, has been paying attention to the new development of 3D printers. In order to enable students to learn a lot of 3D design and printing professional knowledge on campus, and cultivate a large number of outstanding talents in line with social needs, to provide teachers and students with a stage to show themselves.

    3D printing technology has become more and more popular. I believe that 3D printing industry can better promote the development of the industry and improve the living efficiency of all.

    Sources fromHow Wide the Application of 3D Printing Industry Will Be-01 (2)

    Hebei University spent a lot of money to build a 3D printing studio

    Academician sun Jianzhong, President of Hebei Institute of foreign languages, has been paying attention to the new development of 3D printers. In order to enable students to learn a lot of 3D design and printing professional knowledge on campus, and cultivate a large number of outstanding talents in line with social needs, to provide teachers and students with a stage to show themselves.

    3D printing technology has become more and more popular. I believe that 3D printing industry can better promote the development of the industry and improve the living efficiency of all.

    Sources from: