Hello, 3D printing hobbyists,
The V 3.1.0 update for the Creality Cloud app is now available on App Store & Google Play!
This update enables you to do the following:
1. Update printer firmware through the app.
2. Playback webcam video.
3. Remote control print speed and axis.
4. Print directly from G-code files in a TF card.
5. Upload 3D models and G-code files larger than 50 MB.
6. Preview 3D models larger than 50 MB.
7. Edit published articles.
8. Save drafts and work on them later.
9. Enjoy the brand-new login page.
10. Add tons of new stickers to your posts and comments.
11. Make use of the newly designed Lithophane Maker.
12. Encounter fewer bugs.
13. Fixed a problem that may cause blobs to arise.
14. Enhanced extruder axis compensation
Thank you very much for being supportive since day one. Words cannot express our mixed feelings about the development of our app in the past few months. We want to quote what Telegram's Pavel Durov once said: "And yet, every single feature we add makes me think of new improvements we are yet to implement. It's like reaching a peak of a mountain only to discover greater heights to climb from the new vantage point. That is what makes this journey so exciting."
Thank you all for believing in what we do.
Download the Creality Cloud app for free:
Android: https://tinyurl.com/CrealityAndroid
iPhone & iPad: https://tinyurl.com/iOSCreality