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    China Skills Competition 2019 --"Creality Cup" 3D Printing and Modeling Competition
    03.18.2021 | Cherry Chen | News

    According to the relevant requirements of the Circular of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Organizing and Developing the Skills Competition in China in 2019 (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Letter [2019]41) and the Circular on Organizing the Skills Competition in China in 2019-National Electronic Information Service Industry Vocational Skills Competition (CEC No. [2019], No. 3), the Chinese Skills Competition in 2019-Quantity The Organizing Committee of the Vocational Skills Competition of China's Electronic Information Services Industry decided that the selection contests of the "2019 China Skills Competition - National Electronic Information Services Vocational Skills Competition -"Creative Cup"3D Printing Technology Competition" will be held in Beijing, Changchun, Zhongshan, Guiyang, Shanghai, Changzhou and Wuhan from September to October 2019. It was held solemnly.

    On September 9, 2019, sponsored by China Electronic Chamber of Commerce and China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center, sponsored by Beijing Enterprise-University-Research Institute of Education Science and Technology and Beijing Automation Engineering School, Shenzhen Chuangxiang Three-Dimensional Science and Technology Co., Ltd. "China Skills Competition 2019 - National Electronic Information Service Professional Skills Competition" Competition -'Creative Cup'3D Printing and Modeling Technology Competition in the North Competition District Selection Competition came to an end in Beijing Automation Engineering School.


    Important representatives from Beijing Enterprise, University and Research Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Beijing Automation Engineering School, Creative Three-dimensional and other units jointly attended the pre-competition briefing. Leaders, technical backbone and well-known scholars from the central and northern regions participated in the event.


    At the meeting, Beijing Automation Engineering School, as the host school of the North-Central Competition Area, President Assistant Li Bin warmly welcomed the leaders, teachers and students of the University and representatives of enterprises, and wished the athletes excellent results in the competition. Sun Hongbo, the chief referee of the north-central competition area, read out the rules of the competition and emphasized that the referee should be carried out according to the criteria of "fairness, impartiality and openness".


    After the pre-competition presentation meeting, the leaders made pre-competition inspections on the scene of the competition, and made comprehensive inspections on the competition environment and machine usage. Each competitor and staff enter the arena to familiarize themselves with the environment. On the spot, the creative three-dimensional related technical personnel introduced the competition equipment and the specific operation and use of the machine to the contestants to ensure the smooth progress of the whole competition.


    The formal competition is divided into students'group and teachers' group. It is designed and produced in the form of a task book published on the spot. The competition model is printed by CT-300 and CT-005, which are provided by Creative Three-dimensional for the competition. The competition time of students'group is 5 hours and that of teachers' group is 6 hours.


    1. Student group (double group)

    On September 9, the North Division Selection Competition of the Creative Cup 3D Printing and Modeling Competition was officially launched. In the morning, the student group from the north-central competition area launched a fierce competition. This student group selection competition is a team competition. It mainly tests the professional skills of the contestants, and inspects the adaptability and professional accomplishment of the contestants on the spot. After getting the task book, the teams worked together to start the task of this 3D printing technology contest. After examining the topic, analyzing and conceiving, drawing sketches, three-dimensional modeling, slicing, 3D printing, post-processing, filing and a series of actions, they carried out the task of the contest.


    Discussion topic






    Teachers entered the contest on the afternoon of 9th. The contestants were assessed for their three-dimensional modeling, product innovative design, post-processing of 3D printer and professional accomplishment.


    Teacher group




    Photo-curable slicing software for slicing


    Preparing 3D Printing


    Printing Model of FDM3D Printer


    Printing Model of Photosolidified 3D Printer


    Teacher's Light Curing Model


    Model post-processing


    The referee scored the work.


    The referee scored the work.

    The "Creality Cup" 3D printing and modeling technology competition aims to speed up the training and selection of high-skilled 3D printing talents, promote the construction of China's 3D printing skilled personnel, and provide talent support for industrial development. Competitors can not only learn skills and display their technical abilities in the competition, but also promote professional growth, enhance professional skills and tap the potential of skills to lay the foundation for the training of national technological innovative talents.

    As the title support unit of the "Creality Cup" 3D printing and modeling technology competition, Creality 3D will continue to do a good job of supporting service in the future competitions, arrange the best products, professional teams and efficient services to assist in running the competition, so that the scale and characteristics of the competition can be run, the impact and effectiveness can be achieved, and the construction of information clothing can be achieved. Business high-skilled talent team, promote industrial transformation and upgrading and technical skilled personnel to make due contributions!

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