With the development and innovation of 3D printing technology, in the past few years, we have seen that 3D printing has been applied to different industries, from the automobile industry to the aviation industry. In fact, urban transportation can benefit from all the great advantages of 3D printing. So what are the advantages of 3D printing technology for the railway sector?
How does 3D printing help the railway sector?
The railway sector clearly needs high-quality parts. 3D printing can provide a great help for the railway department to manufacture technical parts.
With the continuous development and innovation of large-scale 3D printers, with the help of new materials and high-tech, 3D printing is becoming a real alternative to traditional manufacturing technology. 3D printing technology can improve prototyping and production at any time. This technology is used in the aviation industry to manufacture aircraft parts, such as turbines.
What is the most promising project in the railway field?
In Germany, mga is willing to explore all opportunities related to 3D printing. The company has just approved the first 3D printing security component for the metro of hamburger Hochbahn Ag in Germany. Today, the industry is able to perform 3D printing operations and security related components.
MGA has completed the installation of metal brake suspension links on the metro with three partners, Siemens mobility, Deutsche Bahn Ag and Fraunhofer Institute.
(Mobility becomes value-added electric vehicle)
More generally, the mobility goes additive network in Germany believes that 3D printing is a solution for manufacturing spare parts. "When we buy trains, we get about 15 years of service level agreements for spare parts delivery, after which we look for parts," said the head of 3D printing at Deutsche rail
3D printing lighter train
Run2rail is a new 3D printing project with the main goal of using 3D printing technology to manufacture railway vehicles. 3D printing can help people rethink and improve products, and railway vehicles can fully benefit from these amazing advantages. 3D technology can help build lighter vehicles that require less energy and are more environmentally friendly.
Today, 3D printing technology is widely used in high-end fields such as aerospace, automobile, medical and consumer goods. We believe that the "marriage" of railway industry and 3D printing technology will provide more possibilities for the development of 3D printing technology applications.
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