3D printing technology can be used in medicine to provide better care. 3D printing objects can be used for prosthesis components, such as precision assembly, broken bones and medical models that can help researchers better treat and cure (and many other effects, and more). The revolutionary 3D bio printer can print living human tissues. 3D printing can build precise objects, many of which are lightweight. As a result, it is widely used in the medical field to provide more comfortable treatment options, and more suitable for patients than ever before.
Scoliosis develops to 60 degrees in a 16-year-old girl
Zhang's scoliosis angle is close to 60 degrees, and begins to show sagittal and coronal imbalance, which is a very serious spinal deformity. After careful consideration and preparation, in order to ensure the efficacy of the operation and reduce the medical costs, the second division of orthopaedic department of the people's hospital decided to use 3D printing technology to help the operation to achieve accurate placement of nails. This is the first case of scoliosis correction in Dongguan City. It fills the gap of orthopedic technology in Dongguan.
It is predicted that 3D printing will directly print out human ears from human body in the future
The researchers injected "bio ink" composed of hydrogel particles and chondrocytes into the back of the mouse. Then, they cast near infrared light in the shape of their ears onto the ink. Light makes the hydrogel particles stick together, and each layer forms an ear like structure. During the next month, chondrocytes grew around the hydrogel structure and finally formed cartilage structures similar to real human ears. There was no obvious inflammation or other side effects in mice.
3D printing technology is increasingly used to customize new parts of the human body, such as the jaw, ribs and spine. However, some parts must be printed out of the body, and then implanted with surgery, which will cause the risk of infection. Researchers have concluded that at least in mice, 3D printing can be done in vivo, so no surgery is needed.